"Now for something we hope you'll REALLY like!" -Rocket (Rocky) J Squirrel
The nature of each episode is one that is natural and organic. Nor I, or the guest, knows the topic before the show. This allows for responses to be spontaneous and natural. Sometimes we stay on topic, sometimes we don't. Most of the time, we are able to stay in the general vicinity of the topic introduced by the quote. To be completely honest, knowing my thought processes and track history, I've been pleasantly surprised how well each episode manages to stay on topic. That's one of the benefits of having a guest on the each show. They help me focus.
Many times what seems like a natural evolution of a topic, in my mind, is too disparate for others to digest. According to the Clifton Strengths, one of my top skills is something they call IDEATION. I have the "kind of mind that is always looking for connections, and so [I am] intrigued when seemingly disparate phenomena can be linked by an obscure connection." I am constantly making connections between things. Sometimes the connections are valid, legitimate, and intriguing, and sometimes my mind has fabricated an erroneous connection.
All that is to say that it takes a lot of effort to stay on topic. This week's episode (episode 10) of From The Hat, "Pulling a Rabbit From The Hat" was unique in many aspects. First off, it started as a part 2 to Ears to Listen. I had never anticipated the need for a "part 2." So we had a second episode that was not drawn from the hat but a continuation of the conversation from a previous episode. Mid-way through recording the episode, the rabbits got loose. It was something that I had anticipated happening, and had already happened, on a smaller scale in other episodes. This one was different. We spent an hour "off topic" that all started from a quote by Yoda. Yes, THAT Yoda. (Hey, all quotes are fair game) It just so happens that Matt, the episode's guest, and I are both reasonably fluent in movie quotes. I am constantly looking for opportunities to use them in daily conversation. Similar to how I love quotes that impart wisdom (which many of the episodes have been based on) I also enjoy a well timed, poignantly applicable, and oft times humorous, quote from a movie to make a connection to a situation or individual. There is a special moment that occurs when someone else is also able to make the connection.
Matt and I were able to jump around from topic to topic. Movie quotes, to linguistic foibles, etymologies, strategies for remembering things, rhyme slang, and more. So, give it a listen and let us know if this is something you would like to have happen again.
What is one of YOUR favorite movies or most used movie quotes? (Leave a comment)